

Keren Censor-Hillel, photo by Nitzan Zohar

Keren Censor-Hillel, photo by Nitzan Zohar

I’m Keren Censor-Hillel (קרן צנזור-הלל). I am a professor in the Department of Computer Science at the Technion. My research interests are mainly in distributed computing, and in theory of computing in general. I am grateful for the generous support of an ISF research grant (2014, 2023), an NSF-BSF grant (2016), an ERC starting grant (2017), and a Henry Taub research grant (2018).

Here is my CV. Here is a link to my DBLP entry.

I am looking for excellent graduate students and postdocs that are interested in research in these areas. Requirements: strong background in algorithms and math. Background in distributed computing is not necessary.

Together with Naama Ben-David and Yuval Emek, I organize the TDC seminar.

Women in Theory (WIT)

Video 2020

Some Talks

TCE Conference, Technion, 2015: Are Lock-Free Algorithms Practically Wait-Free?
The 8th Israel CS Theory Day, The Open University, 2016: Optimal Dynamic Distributed MIS

From Communications of the ACM

From MITnews